Inaugural Workshop Brief

Researching Frugality: Conceptual and Practical Issues, 23rd – 24th April 2022, TERI, TERI Gram, Haryana. In the introductory session, Dr. Saradindu Bhaduri briefly described TRCFS and its purpose. He mentioned many keywords used in the frugal innovation research literature- simplicity, good enough, low cost, etc. He acknowledged the term “Frugality” used by Adam Smith and how “thrifting” […]

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Best Paper Award for “The Making of a Frugal Innovation Ecosystem: A Case from North-East India”

The research paper entitled “The making of a frugal innovation ecosystem: a case from North-east India”, co-authored by Dr. Bibhuti Ranjan Bhattacharjya, Dr. Saradindu  Bhaduri, and  Prof.  Sashindra Kumar Kakoty adjudged the best paper award in the track “Frugal Innovation and Digitalization: Crossing Boundaries and Creating Impact” at the Conference R&D Management 2021 organized by the University of Strathclyde Glasgow held […]

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Lecture on Science Popularization

Dr. Bibhuti Ranjan Bhattacharjya Delivered a lecture on Science Popularization at the Sipajhar College as a part of Science Day program organized by Sipajhar College Science Forum on 27 February 2021.

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Presentation on Frugal Innovation for Sustainable Rural Development

Dr. Bibhuti Ranjan Bhattacharjya participated as a guest speaker in the 17th Foundation Day of the Senior Engineers Forum, Northeast Region, Guwahati, India held on 20 February 2021 at the Seminar Hall of The Institutions of Engineers (India), Guwahati, Assam. The title of the presentation was “Frugal Innovation for Sustainable Rural Development“. A number of successful cases of frugal […]

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