Dr. Manish Kumar Shrivastava is an invited collaborator of the cluster. He is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Energy and Environment at the TERI School of Advanced Studies, New Delhi. His research interests include theories and practices of justice with a particular reference to the interaction of energy, technology, and environmental policy in multi-level governance and fragmented society contexts. Prior to joining TERI SAS, he was associated with The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi for 10 years where he coordinated many research projects like preparedness of the Indian Oil & Gas sector to face challenges posed by climate change, implementing Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions, key issues in climate change negotiations, and many international projects such as ADAM, CLIPORE, Global Climate Network, etc. His current research focuses on mainstreaming gender into implementation of India’s climate transition, role of sub-national and non-state actors in scaling up climate action in developing countries, and interaction between polycentricity and frugality in environmental governance. He assisted government of Nepal in accessing technical assistance from the CTCN, UNFCCC’s technology mechanism. He holds Ph.D. and M.Phil. Degrees in Science Policy and a Masters Degree in Economics from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
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Capacity building for proportionate climate policy: Lessons from India and South Africa
A two-step approach to integrating gender justice into mitigation policy: examples from India
Market‑based mechanism and ‘climate justice’: reframing the debate for a way forward
Preparing India’s Oil and Gas Sector for Changing Climate
email: manish.shrivastava@terisas.ac.in